So You’ve Signed Up For A TextExpander Trial, Now What?

So You’ve Signed Up For A TextExpander Trial, Now What?

We’ve been trusted by teams all over the world, including UberShopifyDropbox1Password, and many more. A TextExpander trial is the chance for you to get to know the app, as well as get introduced to bespoke support from our passionate team. We love showing new users and teams around, answering questions, and helping you unlock TextExpander’s potential in your workplace.

In this blog post, we’ll be walking you through everything there is to know about a TextExpander trial, including how to ensure you’re getting the most value for your team.

Step One: Sign Up For Your TextExpander Trial

If you haven’t already, head over to our sign-up page to get started. There, you’ll be asked to fill in your name and email address, with the option of a phone number. We would use this number to help book in with an account executive, whose role is to show you around TextExpander. This is a hugely beneficial step that we’ll cover in more detail shortly. Hit “Get Started” and make sure you’ve downloaded TextExpander onto all the devices you’d like to use; you can log in via a web browser too. Now you’re ready for Step Two!

Step Two: Read Our Tips and Tricks Emails

We’ve made our TextExpander tips emails so easy to digest! They’re packed with the absolute essentials you need to get started with your TextExpander trial. We’ve kept them short, with plenty of GIFs to demo each trick in practice. We also include links to other places to keep your TextExpander learning going, such as our Facebook groupour webinars, and the TextExpander Learning Center. We’ll share tips to help you find Snippets more quickly, create complex customizable Snippets, and more.

Step Three: Look Out For An Introduction From Your Account Executive

From our research, we know that the people that connect with their TextExpander account executive use the tool more efficiently, know about more features, and on average save four times the amount of time compared to those that don’t talk to their account exec. If you left us your contact number in Step One, we’ll use that to get in touch. Otherwise, keep an eye out for an email from us. We’ll be there to book your team a TextExpander demo, share more insider information, and answer any questions.

Step Four: A TextExpander Demo, Led By Your Account Executive

A demo is highly recommended because it improves your time savings and makes your team much more efficient after just an hour or so.They’re similar to our webinars, except we can make them bespoke and personalized to align with your team’s needs. Got a great idea for a Snippet, but no idea how to make it? Heard of a feature through a friend and keen to see it in action? We’ll be able to get everybody up to speed on the basics while showing you some more advanced features when you’re feeling confident and answer your questions.

We love helping you become TextExpander experts during our demo sessions. We make them fun and engaging, and our vibrant team will pass on their passion for TextExpander’s potential in your session.

So You’ve Signed Up For A TextExpander Trial, Now What?

Step Five: Getting Started With TextExpander

Once your trial is over, you’ll decide which plan is the right one for you and your team. You can find the information page for TextExpander plans here on the site. Plus, we’ve written a helpful guide to the differences between the Individual and Team plans here on the blog, which will give you information on what each plan offers.

Remember that if you have any questions, we’re here to help! This is our sales contact page, where you can email, live chat, or book a meeting with our team. They’ll be on hand to help you at any stage.

Step Six: Keep Your TextExpander Learning Going

Once you’ve chosen your TextExpander plan, we highly recommend considering our bespoke TextExpander training. We offer these as a one-off or on a recurring basis, to keep your team up to date on what TextExpander can do for them. These are more in-depth than a demo and let us go further in customizing your TextExpander processes. We’ve also written a blog post all about why our training can level up your TextExpander experience here!

Other steps we recommend to keep learning:

  1. Bookmark the TextExpander blog if you haven’t already! We share articles on getting more from TextExpander, alongside tips on productivity and business.
  2. Explore the Learning Center for plenty of advice guides and ideas for Snippets.
  3. Join our fantastic Facebook group for productivity tips galore.
  4. Make sure to follow us on Twitter to find tips, advice, and news from the TextExpander community.
  5. Don’t miss our webinars, available live or to watch on-demand.


  • A TextExpander trial is a chance to see us in action, and get help and guidance from the TextExpander team.
  • Once you’ve signed up, don’t miss our handy tips and tricks emails, all created to help you and your team achieve more.
  • Make sure to engage with your TextExpander Account Executive. We know that users who do save four times as much time, use more of TextExpander’s features, and know how to use TextExpander much more efficiently than anyone else.
  • Enjoy our demo, where you’ll see TextExpander’s features in action, get to ask questions in real-time, and discover more of what TextExpander could do for your team.
  • Once you’ve chosen your plan, we strongly recommend considering TextExpander training, so that we can go even deeper into what TextExpander can help you achieve.
  • Keep your learning going by bookmarking our blog, exploring our Learning Center, joining our Facebook group, following on Twitter, and watching our webinars.

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