Explore TextExpander

Below you'll find a list of all posts that have been tagged "Explore TextExpander"

The Abbreviation Prefixes TextExpander Experts Use

A common point of debate among TextExpander users is how to name Snippet abbreviations—the text you type to expand the Snippet. When creating abbreviations, you want to make them: For example, if you have a Snippet to respond to an angry customer email, angry would be a poor choice of abbreviation since it would expand…

Master TextExpander Fill-ins with Our Upcoming Webinar

We’ve launched a new webinar series called Feature Spotlights that will run every couple of weeks, and the next one is coming up fast. The webinar will be on April 6, 2023 at 12 pm CDT and will cover using Fill-ins, which let you create customizable Snippets with: Check out a video of how Fill-ins…

Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT with TextExpander 

Prompt engineering secrets to maximize ChatGPT for better writing. Summarize and break down scenes, automatically grade assignments, and more.

How to Use ChatGPT with TextExpander

Want to level up your ChatGPT experience? Learn how to integrate TextExpander with ChatGPT to create and manage frequently used commands to get the information you need—every time!

TextExpander Best Practices: Create and Document Snippets

Learn TextExpander best practices to create and document Snippets. Learn our customer success secrets to add instructions to any Snippet.

TextExpander Best Practices: 5 Customer Success Secrets

Learn TextExpander best practices to make the most of your Snippets. Find out how to optimally name, organize, and manage your Snippets.

How TextExpander Pricing Saves Your Team Money

How does usage-based TextExpander pricing work for teams? Learn how TextExpander’s model saves your team money.

How To Write Medical Progress Notes Faster

Medical progress notes are essential, but writing them is tedious and time-consuming. Here’s how to complete them faster.

How To Quickly Apply for Jobs Using TextExpander

Filling out application forms, creating CVs, and writing emails gets tiring fast. Here’s how to quickly apply for jobs using TextExpander.