How To Quickly Apply for Jobs Using TextExpander

Applying for jobs is a full-time job. Filling out application forms, writing cover letters, and sending follow-up emails is incredibly time-consuming.

But what if you could do all of these things more efficiently? 

No, we’re not suggesting you pay someone to apply for jobs for you. Instead, we want you to consider having a job application strategy and use TextExpander to maximize efficiency. Here’s our advice on how to quickly apply for jobs.

How to quickly apply for jobs

We like content strategist Bogdan Zlatkvov’s strategy for job hunting, which he describes in this post on Medium. Here’s a summary of his “bulletproof” system:

1. Study job listings

Check job boards for ads matching the job(s) you are looking for. Select a few listings you like, then pay attention to their content (specifically, the “Responsibilities” and “Requirements” sections). You will be using the language in these ads to create your resume(s) and cover letter(s).

2. Create your resume(s)

Use a Google template to create the outline of a resume, then fill each section as follows:

  • Work experience: Add up to three relevant positions, with up to four bullet points under each. Base your bullet points on some of the “Responsibilities” listed in your chosen ads. 
  • Skills: Use language from the “Requirements” section of your job ads to fill this part of your resume.
  • Projects: Use keywords from “Responsibilities” to describe your project highlights.

Make one resume for each type of job you are applying for. 

3. Create one or more cover letters

Create a simple cover letter template you can personalize for each job application. Bogdan’s tried-and-tested template consists of:

  • A greeting (hi or hey)
  • A friendly opener (“I’m a huge fan of…”)
  • Reasons to hire me (four bullet points based on the Responsibilities section of the job description)

4. Update your LinkedIn profile

Update your profile so that the information there matches what is on your resume(s). Create a headline that’s more than just a job title—make it an elevator pitch. In your About section, explain what you do using recruiter-friendly keywords and summarize your work history. Make sure your profile lists all your relevant skills and experiences.

5. Apply to many jobs at once

Companies can take several months to get back to you, so don’t wait to hear about one job to start applying to the next. Pick one platform (for example, LinkedIn) on which to focus your job search. Apply to several jobs on that platform every day.

Maximizing efficiency with TextExpander

Now that you have a job-hunting strategy, it’s time to leverage technology to maximize efficiency. Here’s how you can use TextExpander to save time at each step of the job application process.

Resume and cover letter creation 

Use TextExpander to save and reuse language from job listings

Add keywords and phrases from job listings to TextExpander so you can access and use them as you create resumes and cover letters. Save your job hunting vocabulary into a Group, or create multiple Groups, one for each job type.

Message template creation

Use TextExpander to create message templates you can personalize on the spot

With TextExpander, you can create one single cover letter template to use in multiple hiring processes—and still keep your cover letters personal. How? TextExpander templates have fill-in-fields including:

a) Single line fields (which you can use to add the names of hiring managers or of your potential employer)

b) Pop-up menus (use this to save job-specific bullet points as options)

c) Optional sections (use this to save a text fragment that you can choose to include, or not, on the spot) 

In addition to creating a cover letter template, you can create templates for other types of essential messages you’ll send during your job search, including LinkedIn notes; requests for leads, referrals, or references; thank you emails; and follow-up emails.

Easy access to links

Use TextExpander to store and easily retrieve essential URLs

Save frequently-used URLs (e.g. links to your LinkedIn profile and portfolio) to TextExpander to avoid switching back and forth between your desktop and your online profiles. 


Use TextExpander to fill out forms in a flash

Store your personal and professional details in TextExpander to fill out job application forms in seconds. 

The best way to apply for jobs

Using Bogdan’s strategy and TextExpander will help you streamline your job application process, saving you hours in the long run and helping you stay focused. 

You can use TextExpander free for 30 days—meaning you might have some job offers before your free trial is up. 

Let us know if these tips on how to quickly apply for jobs were helpful! You can find more great tips in 4 Things Recruiters Want Job Candidates to Know.

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