Expansion Settings

Expansion settings can be found by going to TextExpander > Profile > Preferences > Expansion.

Expand abbreviations: Uncheck this box if you want to disable TextExpander from expanding abbreviations, uncheck this box.

Expansion Mode: TextExpander expansions can be triggered three ways:

  • immediately when typed
    When you type an abbreviation, the expansion occurs immediately (depending on Group Settings for “Expand after:”)
  • at delimiter (keep delimiter)
    You must type a “delimiter” key, such as Space or tab, to trigger the expansion; the delimiter remains after the expansion. For example, if you used a Space to trigger the expansion, you get the expanded snippet followed by a Space.
  • at delimiter (abandon delimiter)
    As with the previous option, a delimiter must be typed to trigger the expansion, but the delimiter does not remain in place after the expansion. For example, if you used a Space to trigger the expansion, you get the expanded snippet, and no Space after it.


If you choose to use one of the delimiter options, check the box of the delimiters you’d like to use. There are over 30 delimiters to choose from, including most punctuation keys, as well as Space, Return, Tab and Esc. To view all delimiter options, choose “Show All Delimiters”. You can also select default delimiters.

When Expanding

You can specify what happens when a Snippet expands in TextExpander by checking the boxes in this section.

  • Play sound
    You can choose to have TextExpander make a sound when an expansion is triggered.
  • Run script snippets

    This allows TextExpander to run AppleScripts, shell scripts, and JavaScripts when expanding snippets. If you share snippets with others and don’t use script snippets yourself, you might choose to turn this off as a safety measure so that you don’t inadvertently run someone else’s script Snippets.

  • Use cross-platform compatible images (PNGs)
    If you use images in your Snippets, TextExpander always pastes the image in PNG format when the snippet is expanded. Some programs, like Microsoft Entourage, work much better with PNGs. Other programs, like Microsoft Word and Excel, may have problems with PNGs. Uncheck this option if you want your images to be pasted in their original file format, such as JPG or GIF.
  • Restore clipboard
    In cases where TextExpander must use the clipboard, (e.g. in Carbon applications), TextExpander restores the Clipboard to the contents it had prior to the expansion. Depending on your typing speed you may wish to decrease or increase the time delay between when a Snippet expands and the Clipboard is restored.

When Creating New Snippets

Default Snippet Format

Set the default format of newly created Snippets to one of these formats:

  • Plain Text
    When expanded, the snippet content conforms to the current text style.
  • Formatted Text, Pictures
    Color, size, font and alignment can be specified for text. Images and hyper links can be used.

The default snippet format is applied to newly-created Snippets. Changing the default does not affect the snippets you have already created.

You can change the format on a per snippet basis in the main window.

Default Case Sensitivity

Choose whether a Snippet will expand, and in what letter case, depending on the case you type the abbreviation with. You can set the default case sensitivity to one of these options:

  • Case Sensitive (aB, Ab, ab, AB differ)
    Example: “YT” expands to “Yours Truly”, “yt” does not.
  • Ignore Case (aB, Ab, ab, AB same)
    Example: either “YT” or “yt” expands to “Yours Truly”
  • Adapt Snippet to Case of Abbreviation
    Example: “Yt” expands to “Yours truly”, “yt” expands to “yours truly”

The default case sensitivity is applied to newly-created snippets. Changing the default does not affect the snippets you have already created.

You can change the case sensitivity on a per snippet basis in the main window.

Expand Snippet Groups

Select which applications TextExpander will expand in.

  • all applications
    By default, TextExpander is enabled for all applications.
  • all applications except…
    Excludes specified applications from working with TextExpander.
  • only these applications…
    Specifies which applications work with TextExpander exclusively.

You can change this default on a per Snippet Group basis in the main window. See also Snippet Group Settings.